Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Shouldn't Yell at Customers

My day was starting out pretty well yesterday in that I woke up with no panic about going to the salon to get my hair cut and straightened. The only thing I was dealing with before I left the apartment was my cat deciding to me more vocal than usual where she was making me a lil tense. I head out to sit on the bench while waiting for my cab to come as I did my word search puzzles in this lil booklet I bought a couple of weeks ago. Everything was a normal existence as the cab came and I get into it but then I thought that the cab driver was speaking to the customer in the front seat so I wasn't really paying attention. He ended up yelling at me at the top of his lungs at me just because I didn't realize he was talking to me about the van backdoor being automatically closeable. He gets all dramatic and tells me I probably broke the door. No offense but I can close my own damn door after I get into a car or van. I did everything saying in my mind while I say "sorry" to him like a bunch of times trying to not start crying right there in the cab. All I got was flashbacks of how my father used to yell at me when most of the time I was just being a normal child. It hurt me profusely. I was about to open the cab door open again since it happened in front of my apartment building and just go back upstairs but I refused to let some cruel cab driver to keep me from getting my hair done. He apologized before dropping me off at the salon but by then he already brought back bad memories which I am trying to put past me anyway I can. I already scared of men hurting me so this made things worse in my mind. Some reading this might be wondering why I didn't just call the cab company after I was dropped off to tell them about what happened. Well I felt like a lil child again inside me and I didn't want to get anyone in trouble. Like a scared lil child, I even tipped him $3.00 in hopes that all will be forgotten. However I won't forget how that cab driver treated me. There should be anger management courses for cab drivers because I have ridden with so many who are close to road rage. I still tempted to call my therapist since I can't get the images of my father yelling and such at me as a lil girl out of my head now. :(


  1. I'm sorry you had such an unpleasant journey, but I'm sure "tipping him" for being unpleasant has only reinforced bad behaviour in him. If it ever happens again don't tip them and when you get your change and our leaving tell them, the service you provided was poor. Okay so they might not pick you up again but at least then you won't have to deal with that again.

  2. yeah i know...i should have for sure ~huggs~
