Friday, July 8, 2011

Focusing on Real Life More

I been advised by 3 people in my life to focus more on my real life than this stupid internet. Ok they didn't call it stupid but I did. I waste so much of my life onto the people in my virtual land and when I awake I have no one to call on the phone or hang out with in the real world. Personally I am sick of having no one really in the life that is most important. Yes I have my cat and my mom but need more than that in life. Believe me I know. So I was told by one person that I should at least try doing volunteer stuff. I don't even know what I would want to do where that is concerned. The thought of fighting through my panic rather than running away from it scares me to bloody death. I know if I don't at least do an honest try that I will have probably 3 people on my butt until I do. My nites can be spent online because I personally do not want to go out in this city after dark. I don't trust the people lurking around after dark. Of course that makes the dating life in real world difficult since most work during the day and hang out with others at nite. I'll figure it out. I have to take a look at a volunteer site tomorrow so I can pick out ones that sound appealing enough that I will actually do them. We'll see and I'll keep all up to date who actually read this blog caring about my real life self instead of just my pixel self on Second Life.

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