Saturday, July 2, 2011

Wanna Go to Camp

I have not slept at all last night which I think it is because I have too much crap on my mind. I need to get away for awhile but I can't leave for about a week without my cat. My cat can't go up to camp since she needs a controlled environment like I sort of have now due to her feline asthma. It is so not easy having a cat who suffers from that but I wouldn't trade her for all the cats in the world. I rather have a second cat to add to our little family. I've not been up to my family's camp in for 4 years I think. My mom thinks that for some silly reason that my great uncle up there will not welcome me to come to camp anymore. I think thats silly since he did have me down to NJ when I was younger to stay with them for like a couple of weeks. They never invited my sister down there so I have a strong belief that nothing has changed. Heavenly to think about being up there and not think about much else but relaxing and enjoying the fresh air. I need that so much right now. Gawd I am so tired right now but I have two SL jobs that I have committed myself to always show up for.

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