Monday, January 30, 2012


okies so i have been kind of like a rageaholic lately and being a bitch which i usually am not 'cause it just ain't me...but i tend to voice a ton of my opinions and well i think i tend to thrust those opinions upon others...however in my blogs i can say and do as i please since it is a online universe of freely expressing how i am, feel, and do...i had a friend recently say to me that i need to get laid...yeah like that is the answer to all of life's issues and problems...i had to laugh at it 'cause i know that sex is not a root to happiness...i have had a couple of one-nite stands in my lifetime which i have learned from them that nothing but tears come from them...sure the sex is damn good but the afterwards when they never call you is what stabs one straight into the is like alcohol, sure it makes you feel good while you drunk off your butt then when you sober up then all you have to show for your drunken bliss is a hangover and kissing the porcelain throne of the i miss sex? hell i gonna go out and find some sex? no way in hell...i wanna be made love to next time i do the bedroom wrestling stuff...til i find a man in real life who knows what "making love" means then i will stay sexless...i can have cybersex anytime but it nothing like real life sexual me on that one...and i doubt anyone will disagree with me on that

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