Friday, July 15, 2011

Example of Boys who Ain't Men At All

Okay so I decided to join this free dating site again recently in kind of hopes of meeting someone nice. I didn't sugar coat my personal ad at all because I'm simply sick and tired of explaining all I deal with in life to a man who has no intention of understanding. I have panic disorder in real life so people need to deal with it then like me for who I am despite it. I would log in to see all these views but none of them sent me a message so I thinking to myself as I look at the slue of pictures of these men in my area and I shrug saying "well you just a bunch of heartless men". I knew by having everything out in the open that the way they react to my words will show how much they won't be there to support me. Moving along I browse the ads since some of them just make me crack up laughing at how short and stupid they are. All of a sudden, a email notification comes up that I got a message from some guy so I go to read it. He just writes in it, "damn lets bang". Deeply offended I block his butt immediately which deletes the message too then I go to look at his profile again to see what the hell was in there to prove he is a man only looking to get laid. Nothing strange in his personal ad but he has a pic of himself with presuming his little daughter since he says in profile that he does have kids. So I send him a message back to let him know how rude his message was and how he should be ashamed of himself based on the pic with his daughter. I looked all over for a place to report his butt before I blocked him but nothing. Obviously because it is a free site that they don't feel they have a need to add a "report" feature when you get rude messages like that. There is a regular dating site then a sex looking site so I should not have gotten a message like that. I expect crap like that on Second Life but not on a dating site where you are more likely to meet someone in person in a public place. Obviously I joined the site because I am getting too old to deal with waiting for my soul mate out there to wake up his damn eyes but I am not on there to deal with shallow, unkind jerks. So after that encounter I decided to huddle myself back into Second Life where sadly I get better offers. I am not a one-nite stand. I have men on Second Life who want to talk to me, spend time with me, cuddle with me, and dance with me. Why am I putting myself through this junk again with real life men in my area? I haven't learned my lesson from the last epic fail men I was with real life. Ok technically my last ex was not mean to me but in fact kind to me after we broke up although he not really talk to me anymore which is typical fashion of ex boyfriends. Anyway I don't know what I going to do. Just so sick of being treated like crap by men in real life when I try to be honest and nice. I don't need to learn to be a bitch on Second Life but rather one in real life to deal with these turds. Like omfg jerkface asking me if I want to "bang". Who uses that word anyway? Some ghetto dude who takes profile pics at some friend's nice house I guessing. I rather punch this dude in the face for being so damn rude to me.

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